About KiB





Keluarga Invest Bahagia, or KiB for short, stands for ‘happy family investments’. KiB is a family office catering to high-net-worth individuals, established in response to global shifts with a strong emphasis on financial security amid inflation and diverse risks.

Our story originates from my parents' legacy in insurance services since 1954, which was inspired by The Netherlands' significant flood. Despite our deep European roots, our journey took a turn when I, as the youngest of four children, founded my own office. Initially focused on mortgage and financial planning, we later shifted towards investments, drawing in a discerning clientele of families.

In alignment with my father’s final wishes at age 95, advocating for our relocation to Asia, we broadened our approach. Upholding our father's philosophy of delivering the highest quality, we collaborated with top professionals in the financial industry. In a joint venture, we developed TW Investments, our investment offering aimed at financing global humanitarian charities and addressing investors' concerns.

Our Sky and Elite plans ensure peace of mind and provide advisors with optimal solutions. Specializing in guaranteed alternative investments, our offerings extend beyond traditional financial products, aiming to create a brighter future not just for our clients but for society as a whole. A significant part of our success is dedicated to supporting various charitable causes, including “9 Keys for Life,” in honor of my father's enduring influence.

As Founder and CEO, I invite you to discover KiB's personalized strategies deeply rooted in our rich history, promising a secure and prosperous future.


Walter van der  Boor


Our team

Renti vd Boor- Pangaribuan

Co-founder and Commissioner at KiB, Renti graduated in Law from University International Batam (UIB). With a background in Professional Golf and technology, she serves as our Compliance Officer. Renti is family-oriented, enjoying outdoor activities and travel. A devoted mother to the next generation, she resides on a yacht with Walter.

Vacancy for Advisors


Joining KiB? We are looking for highly motivated investment advisors that want to work remotely, are willing to learn, and have several years of experience in the investments and insurance industry. 


If building a solid, long-term practice in the offshore investment industry, with a strong family orientation, sounds good and you have a proven track record and qualifications, then you are invited to contact us. 

Distributors are invited

Expanding our distribution network we seek a select number of distributors with licensed financial advisers across jurisdictions for Sky and Elite plans. Limited opportunities are available.


Walter van der Boor



Founder and CEO of PT Keluarga invest Bahagia. With 25+ years of experience in the financial world, from entrepreneur to fund manager, broker. Advisor in both Europe and Asia. He has been rewarded with quality and government recognition. Held prestine licenses and received awards from various institutes.


Walter is investing since college in traditional stock markets and alternatives. With experience in Mortgages, various investment strategies, insurance and lending he has built a network of reliable parties around KiB.  


His hobbies are all around marine life and outdoor sports.